I help MSME, Start-up Founders, Working Professionals in getting High-Ticket Clients, MNC Interviews through LinkedIn Optimization & Training
Executive Resume Writing
Job & Career Counselling
Recruitment & LinkedIn Training
LinkedIn Marketing & Branding

Premium Clients





GS Kumar's Credentials


LinkedIn Projects


Years Experience


Successful Job Seekers

Before & After LinkedIn Profile

jaya nair before
jaya nair after
s vishwa harsha before
s vishwa harsha before
rtn. sriram g manufacturer exporter before
rtn. sriram g manufacturer exporter after
bhaskar narahari before
bhaskar narahari after

Our Successful Clients



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85% of are never Advertised | 48% Leads Converts through LinkedIn !
Are you Looking for a job? 💰 | Need Business & High ticket clients through LinkedIn !

Do you need help strengthening your Resume & Personal Brand and generating
Interviews & Business leads on LinkedIn ?
Not sure where to start, I'm here to help! Let's work together to optimize your LinkedIn strategy and achieve your goals!

Who am I?

Meet G.S. Kumar: Your LinkedIn Expert
Hi, I'm G.S. Kumar, the founder of My team and I help businesses and job seekers succeed on LinkedIn.

What We Do:

Help companies find new clients Build personal brands Prepare job seekers for interviews Our Specialty: We're great at helping you connect with high-paying clients and find remote work opportunities using LinkedIn.
Did You Know? About 70% of jobs aren't advertised. We can help you find these hidden jobs and get 5-10 interviews.

Our Track Record:

Over 8,000 happy clients Completed more than 150 LinkedIn projects 20+ years of experience More than 36,000 followers worldwide Let us help you make the most of LinkedIn!
gs kumar

Our USP > : Don’t apply to jobs ! Get 5 to 10 MNS Interviews every single Month

Let's showcase your expertise beyond job boards :
Get MNC Interviews in 30-90 Days by boosting your profile in Naukri and LinkedIn with 50 keywords and get 5-10 Interviews from Hidden Job Market
Click the link to know more:
UPGRADE & REBRAND your Resume & Linkedin with GS Kumar
↪️ 20+years’ experience in Recruitment
↪️ 8,000+ Satisfied Customers who got Interviews
MSME & Entrepreneurs: Finding high-paying clients can be daunting. I'll highlight your unique offerings, positioning you as an industry leader to attract your ideal clientele : Book a LinkedIn Audit
Corporate & Manpower Agency Recruiters: Facilitated 50 + Workshops for IT & NON IT Recruiters on Sourcing & Recruitment hacks, Interview hacks, Decoding the JD, and Negotiation skills.
Contact Us. It’s Easy.
gs kumar
Contact Us. It’s Easy.